I know this looks terrible- I promise, we're not bad parents. This was one of the worst days in daddy hood for Brandon. Brixey had just learned to stand up and was kind of obsessed with it- she couldn't seem to do anything else (including sleep). She also hadn't quite figured out how to get down from the standing position. Above are the results....what's a dad to do? Cry with her, take a few pictures, and hold that (not so) sweet baby. But, it ended pretty sweet. While Brandon was rocking her in the afternoon after only 1/2 hour of sleep all day (this was back in the 3 nap days), she saw daddy's sad, tired face and proceeded to pull the pacifier out of her own mouth and stuck the pacifier in his mouth- I guess she figured, if it worked for her it would work for him too. Oh, the joys of parenting : )

Us McGinnis's know how to hillbilly it up. Gotta love fun times at the lake- it truly is a blast! These two girls love each other's company.
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