We had so much fun with all of our family over. Pap-pap (my dad) was on his way home from India so didn't get to be there- we missed him dearly. But celebrated with him later. One of Caroline's favorite presents was her new "dady" (her baby). We don't know how she learned it because we didn't teach her but any time she sees a doll, she hugs it close and says, "dady, dady" She also does a remarkably good job for a one year old loving on her new baby cousin Reagan who is only a few weeks old! We are truly blessed in every way. God has used Caroline to touch our lives in ways we never would have imagined. Thank you, Lord!
"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, and my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior, because He has looked with favor on the humble condition of His slave. Surely, from now on all generations will call me blessed, because the Mighty One has done great things for me, and His name is holy." Luke 1:46-49
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Fun at Uncle Josh and Aunt Kallie's
We recently received these shirts from our friend, Becky Cook- two "best friend" shirts. The sizes fit perfectly with Norah (my sister's daughter) and Caroline. Though good friends most of the time, it isn't always fun and games. Caroline's got her work cut out for her, but she seems to be a moving target.
A special day
These are pictures of Brandon's ordination service. What a wonderful time of commitment to Christ. We both know beyond a doubt that God wants us to serve Him in ministry full time. We are so excited to see what God has planned for us as a couple and as a family. He is soo good to us! How can we do anything but live for Him and share Him?! Oh, Lord! I love you!
Pieces to the Puzzle
These are some of my favorite pictures- especially the one with Caroline on my dad's shoulders. I love that grin- absolute delight. And there is nothing more entertaining than watching your child crawl around with a puzzle piece in her mouth. Looking forward to her being on two feet instead of all fours!
Getting into trouble- that's what we do.
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