I love this outfit! And look at that bow in her hair. I know, she's just saying, "Look at how cute I am!" And mom is pretty proud too!

Who can resist? "Rock Chalk! Jayhawk!" It's in the blood!

This is Luke Austin McCallum. He was born a month and half after Caroline and he's already as big as she is! Such a sweet guy! Look at those cheeks!

Happy in daddy's arm in her Christmas dress- and this is one of her first real smiles!

Grandpa, Gigi, Abby, Kate, Loren, Tyler, Leah, and Caroline- and don't forget Collin who was still in Mommy's tummy!

She looks just like her daddy, doesn't she?

Aunt Kallie and cousin Norah. What fun Norah and Caroline are going to have!

My grandparents- Papaw and Mamaw, she looks pretty cozy!
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